300MHz 30W Anti Drone Signal Jammer Device Module for Drone is an information security module which specifically designed for blocking the signal transmission of drone ground station.This Module has an average output power 45dBm(30W),sufficient power, good in band flatness,small offset between upper and lower side band, high efficient sweep interference source has small temperature drift.It's easy to apply and good countermeasure effect for frequency hopping drone.
300MHz 30W Anti Drone Signal Jammer Device Module for Drone is an information security module which specifically designed for blocking the signal transmission of drone ground station.This Module has an average output power 45dBm(30W),sufficient power, good in band flatness,small offset between upper and lower side band, high efficient sweep interference source has small temperature drift.It's easy to apply and good countermeasure effect for frequency hopping drone.
Our company is the professional manufacturer of the innovative signal jammer catering to the international quality standard and the market need. Our factory locates in the Shenzhen , Guangdong Province, China, with the whole 2ND floor factory the SMT machine, assembly and the warehouse, we can customize different jammer according to customers demands.
Its multi application includes the leaders, politicians,VIP convoy, military field, police system, law enforcement, stadium large competition, entertainment public activity, and places or battlefields with high privacy and confidentiality.
300MHz 30W Anti Drone Module | |||
Specification | Data | Unit | Note |
Frequency | 300-400 | MHz | |
Dutput Power | 32-35 | W | |
Power Flatness Band | 1 | dB | |
Current | 2.45 | A | |
Voltage | 24-28 | V | |
Efficiency | 55 | % | |
Top Heat Deviation | 2 | MHz | Module temperature is 85C |
Low Heat Deviation | 2 | MHz | Module temperature is 85℃ |
Weight | 0.15 | KG | |
Size | 96x53x17 | mm |
1.The red line represents the positive pole,the black line represents the negative pole,and the white line represents the enable.
2.Please power on the module after connecting the antenna, otherwise it may be damaged.Please confirm whether the power supply voltage is within the allowable range before power supply.
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