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Manpack jammer suitable for single-soldier combat use


Recently,the international news updated the newest situation about the trend of International war.The FPV drone become the common seen combat tools on the war,the modern combat tools are far more brutal than traditional warfare.It kill soldiers invisible.Meanwhile the life of soldiers were threat by FPV drone when them combat.

10 channel manpack jammer is special designed for anti FPV drone,the outshell made of aluminum material which has good quality and strong heat dissipation .when it use on combat the 10channel will not easy damage in complex combat condition.10 channel band support customized ,no matter 433MHz、1200MHz or 5200MHz that Shen Zhen Texin electronics factory can satisfy various needs .

The 10 channel manpack jammer build in lithium battery that it full charge the products can operate over 40mins .When soldiers combat it can seem as a portable remove FPV drone device .Weight 24.65 kg shape designed like manpack that means single combat with enemy the 10 channel can efficiency anti the FPV drone .In a word ,It will not cause any additional burden for users.In order to realize more powerful features the 10 channel manpack jammer can connect FPV drone detector .When it connect the 10 channel manpack jammer become a automatic  detecting integrated jamming anti drone device .

Compare with other drone jammer this 10 channel manpack jammer more suitable for single soldier combat use ,light weight powerful countermeasure function and 1.5km jamming range ,these apparent features both provide strong protection for low-altitude defense.

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