Due to the prevalence of FPV drones, many countries have set up anti-drone teams to protect air space of national Information Security.And with technology development ,more and more anti drone users has high standard of jammer module and anti drone device .To satisfied marketShenzhen Rongxin Communication Co., Ltd.develop a anti drone module which has build in Lora digital and wide band 700-1020 MHz.Compare with common one it longer RF distance ,lower consumption.
When it put out and then Shenzhen Rongxin Communication Co., Ltd. received large-scale purchases from foreign customers.One of biggest customer said that“Foreseeing market opportunities,This wide band700-1020 MHz Lora digital anti drone jammermodule will be the most popular in the market ,because of the past sales experience,we choose the Shenzhen Rongxin Communication Co., Ltd.”
Adhering to the sales concept that customers are God,Shenzhen Rongxin Communication Co., Ltd.satisfied the customers special customization and purchase materials Immediately.The jammer full of the factory ,every workers are take their work seriously.
By every workers effort the 700-1020MHz Lora digital anti drone jammer module has finished by three days after .And then the jammer modules have send the next step ,the engineer test the power and frequency band one by one .when testedunqualified it will send last part,Shenzhen Rongxin Communication Co., Ltd. not allowed sales unqualified goods to customers.
When it finished test , the workers packing at the fastest speed to send it to the international logistic warehouse .Production to packaging process is orderly.